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Showing posts with label Get Featured. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Get Featured. Show all posts

Friday, June 11, 2021

Join Our Blog For Free

The music blog Wrap-Up Magazine is inviting all reader to join the members area for free. This will give you the ability to post your content and get exclusive updates on new content.

There is no subscription cost or monthly fees. The new community will soon come with the ability to post photos, comment, and add friends. Join today as we get ready to bring in changes for the New Year.

Click Here To Join Today

Monday, April 27, 2020

Nieman Marcus Social Media Sites

A'lot of people don't understand what social media means. Social media refers to the interaction of people in which they create, share, exchange and comment contents among themselves in virtual communities and networks. 

South Carolina's Newberry College has added a social media major, because of the apparent skyrocketing number of jobs in that field. Social media encourages contributions and feedback from everyone who is interested. it blurs the line between media and audience.

Social media marketing refers to the process of gaining website traffic or attention through social media sites. Social Media Marketing is the premier thought leading agency for brands looking to maximize ROI driven social media marketing campaigns. Using Social media strategies to grow traffic and increase sales for your business. Facebook, Twitter, Google+ news and other social media management tools.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Link Up With #TWUM

The Wrap-Up Magazine is calling all music and entertainment sites to link up with our growing fan base. Lets grow together to bring a wider platform for musicians from all over. Join in with other PR's and post your articles also.

Whether we are showing RSS feeds on each other sites, or creating articles to help bring attention to each other. Having your content shared through bookmarking sites can drive traffic and that's a fact.

This is a call of for all websites that want to create back links or share contents from each others site. Lets engage together to help bring more visitation to one another.

Read, comment, and enjoys some of our categories below!

Artist Facts
Read and discover some of the true stories behind the music. Click Here

Celebrity Match Up
See who is the best at what they do when we match up celebrities. Click Here

Fans Favorite
What is your favorite song, celebrity, or musician? These are some of the things we like to type about. Click Here

There are a'lot more articles and pages we like to tag up. Be sure to see the site for yourself. See what's going on daily with unsigned artist, movies, and more.

Like Us on Facebook
We starting to use facebook as a way to engage with views. Be sure to show us support by following or liking the page. Click Here

Follow Us on Twitter
Get all the news feed by following the owner via Twitter. Click Here

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Get Your Music Featured

We are now accepting music and video submission to our affiliated sites. We will use our multiple website platform to bring your projects and following a broader view. We offer services and info that matters more to you (the artist). 

Want to promote your youtube channel, video, soundcloud, itunes, audiomack, or whatever music site you use? (Click Here) 

Be sure you choose you best or newest content. For some websites will not post videos or music if older than 30 days. Please Choose a Package in the DropBox below. We like to use Paypal for safer processing.

Let our team work for you! Our unsigned artist package comes with all listed below. Priced from $14.99 to $29.99.

10 Music Blog Post
10 Facebook and Twitter re-tweets
1 Annual Mixtape Slot

20 Music Blog Post
20 Facebook and Twitter re-tweets.
3 Annual mixtape slots.

Music Marketing
Music Marketing Package

We like to run various sale. So be sure to be on the look out throughout the year for new promotions.

Holiday Music Submissions

Monday, November 5, 2018

$10 Holiday Music Submissions

We enjoy helping artist get their music off the ground. Many have been asking how to their music placed on our artist platforms. Well here is your chance to join the trending list of growing artist!

We are now accepting submission to our affiliated sites for only $10. This will be going on throughout the holidays so be sure to order your section today!

Saturday, August 25, 2018

TWUM Artist Picks Of 2018

Artists Of The Year
There are many artist posting and submitting their music to TWUM on a daily basis's. There are a few who stood out in the crowd of musicians by showing hard work and dedication. The Wrap-Up Magazine would like to take this moment to give these artist a little support in furthering their music career.

We encourage all to take the time to follow these artist and listen to some of their music below.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Post Your Events And News! Get Your Profile Today

The Wrap-Up Magazine has opened its doors to all PR's and event promoters. Forget having to submit your content or purchase a blog post. You can now receive a personal invitation to create post and material of your own.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

How To Submit Your Music

We enjoy helping artist get their music off the ground. Many have been asking how to their music placed on our artist platforms. Well here is your chance to join the trending list of growing artist!

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

20 Blogs For $15

We offer a broad brand of services which varies from website promotion, email blast, website creation, artist pages, graphics, and more. We only give out packaged deal that fits your budget. I guarantee the cheapest prices the internet has to offer.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Get Posted To Over 30 Blogs And More For $29.99

Get your music content posted to over 30 music blogs, 300 email blast to real fans, blog post to our top 5 blogs, social media post to twitter, facebook, and featured on the front page for just $29.99. That's right, all that for one fixed price. We will do the work while you're out being the artist. 

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Model Submissions

We have seen the submissions in our emails, that many viewers of The Wrap-Up Magazine would like to know how they can submit photos to be featured in out top 5's list. Sending photos is simple. Just send photos to sippitakeover@gmail.com. Check out more information that is need is listed below.

Get Featured For $14.99

(The Wrap-Up Magazine) You have made it to the right site if you want to gain more exposure for your content, music, and news. We are a newly formed music and lifestyle blog company for social media. We feature unsigned artist to our community of follows. 

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Now Accepting Submissions For Our Next Indie Mixtape

The Wrap-Up Magazine has teamed back up with Hip-Hop's Resurrection for a new mix-tape release for indie artist who stream their music on Spotify. All submissions will be reviewed and artist notified if accepted. 

Please submit what we like to call banging hip-hop in our city... So send in you best track to sippitakeover@gmail.com and join in on our mixtape streams.

Related Articles:
Most Slept On Mixtape

Special Delivery "The RnB Edition" Mixtape

Monday, June 19, 2017

Music Submissions

Would you like to submit your music to TWUM for consideration or site placement? Music Submission is established to encourage the development of musical talent and to bring new musical works to light. 

Thursday, May 4, 2017

You Can Become Our Next Model

"The Wrap-Up Magazine" would like to welcome all models from around the world to submit their photos for features on the site. We are designed to helping un-seen entertainment get noticed. "The Wrap-Up Magazine" is a highly regarded model agency and an ideal place to kick start your modelling career, models of all ages required now.

Do you have what it takes to be featured at "The Wrap-Up Magazine"? If so, then submit your photos today for your chance to e featured. All models who submit will be placed into our archives of fine women, but only a selected few will been noticed on the main page.

Please have your publicist or representatives contact us if need be at 419-913-3445. Not only will featured models be featured on our website, but they will have the chance to be noticed on over 50 websites for models and musicians.

Here at "The Wrap-Up Magazine", we believe in doing the work, while your taking the photos. Lets us be one of the websites that gives you email blast and post to various sites. With the cheapest prices on the internet, i'm sure we can help find the right modeling home for you.

The prices below are listed as you feel fit. How far do you wanna go with your talent? Our $14.99 package gives you a start off. Place on the front page, 20 blogs, twitter re-tweets, facebook pages, and 100 email blast. Our featured prices takes you to another level. For 29.99, the package includes placement on main page, 50 blogs, twitter re-tweets, facebook pages, and 300 email blast. So make sure you pick the best option for you.

Model Submissions
Model Submissions

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Get Your Music Posted Into Major Blogs

"The Wrap-Up Magazine" would like to invite all musicians to send the music to be featured on our list of websites and places. We do not accept phone calls. Not only can we help you sell your music and get you placed into itunes, amazon, and more, well can help market your mixtape also.

We offer a broad brand of services which varies from website promotion, email blast, website creation, artist pages, graphics, and more. We only give out packaged deal that fits your budget. I guarantee the cheapest prices the internet has to offer.

I'm sorry to say, but we do not sale friends or twitter followers. Nor do we sell to boost plays on your player. We only deal with real traffic and real people. People will only listen to your music if they like what they see or hear. None of this is generated by a bot.

The beginners package comes with all listed below. Priced at $14.99, it comes with:
1. 300 Email Blast
2. Music posted in 10 websites that promotes what it is you present and gives you a chance to be featured.
3. Placement on main page of the site.
4. Post to Twitter and Facebook.

Our unsigned artist package comes with all listed below. Priced at $29.99
1. 600 Email Blast
2. Music posted in 20 websites that promotes what it is you present.
4. Facebook and Twitter re-post and re-tweets.
5. Forum post in various hosting sites.
6. Annual mixtape slots.

Music Marketing
Music Marketing Package

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Now Accepting Donations

The Wrap Up Magazine is asking all supporters that like the contents of this page to please support our website with a small donation. Let all pitch in and help keep this site going. If we may have promoted any content of you, and you fell we did a good job, then please support us today!!! Thank You


Monday, May 18, 2015

Models Get Featured

Are you a inspiring artist looking to get you name out. Would you like to see your photos and name all over the web? I'm sure we can help with that.

"The Wrap-Up Magazine" after you have selected you pricing package, here are all the material you will need to submit below. Someone will be in contact with you in less that 48 hours of submissions if more is required.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Featured Prices

Hi, we hope you enjoyed the site activity as much as we did. We offer a broad brand of services which varies from website promotion, email blast, website creation, artist pages, graphics, and more. 

We only give out packaged deal that fits your budget. I guarantee the cheapest prices the internet has to offer. I'm sorry to say, but we do not sale friends or twitter followers. Nor do we sell to boost plays on your player. We only deal with real traffic and real people. 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

New Customer Service

Hi, we hope you enjoyed the site activity as much as we did. We offer a broad brand of services which varies from website promotion, email blast, website creation, artist pages, graphics, and more. We only give out packaged deal that fits your budget. I guarantee the cheapest prices the internet has to offer. I'm sorry to say, but we do not sale friends or twitter followers. Nor do we sell to boost plays on your player. We only deal with real traffic and real people. People will only listen to your music if they like what they see, so be sure to give a nice presentation. Below are prices for packages we offer as of now.

Size 1

Size 1
The beginners package comes with all listed below. Priced at $9.99
1. 300 Email Blast
2. Music or Business posted in 10 websites that promotes what it is you present.
3. Mp3 submitted to 10 DJ's that host mix-tapes.

Size 2

Size 2
Our unsigned artist package comes with all listed below. Priced at $14.99
1. 500 Email Blast
2. Music or Business posted in 15 websites that promotes what it is you present.
3. Mp3 submitted to 15 DJ's that host mix-tapes.
4. Facebook and Twitter visitors sent to your artist page.
5. Upload of Mp3 to various hosting files.
