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Monday, May 1, 2017

Rapper Killed By Audience

Chaos struck a hip hop concert in Brazlandia, Brasilia last week, when a hooded assassin reared up and began spraying the stage with bullets. Rapper Robson de Souza was the clear intended target of the hit, as a recording of the incident shows the 30-year-old rhyming alone on the stage when he was gunned down in the blaze. He was 30 years old.

The music continues to play for a short time after the series of shots go off, and the audience appeared to be slow to react, perhaps startled and momentarily confused before realizing that a shooting had been going down.

Within seconds though the music cuts off and the crowd scatters, with a few good Samaritans sticking around to help de Souza, who was wounded six times. They are seen rushing him to a vehicle that would then transport him to the hospital. But he was pronounced dead when he got there.

The video taken by a witness, was released to the public on Friday. While police continue to investigate, they have yet made any arrests in connection with the shooting.

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