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Monday, January 30, 2017

Is Trump A Dictator?

Magic Johnson gave his two cents on Donald Trump's controversial travel ban, on Sunday night [Jan. 29], saying that it is "not who we are as Americans." He also directed some sharp words at the President, with a warning that he remember he is legislating over democracy.

"It’s just not a good time. He’s gotta learn you can’t just be a dictator. We’ve never had a president like that. We’ve always had a president who brought the country together and brought all people together. That’s what we need today, right now, and we’re not getting that," Johnson told a TMZ reporter while exiting the W Hotel in Los Angeles.

The Trump Administration has moved quickly to deliver on the promises he made to his base over the course of his campaign. The executive order, which denies all refugees entry into the U.S. for a four month period, blocks citizens from seven Middle Eastern and African countries for the next 90-days and instills a ban on refugees from Syria indefinitely, which comes days after he signed an order to begin construction on a Mexican border wall. Johnson touched on each of those decisions, while also raising the plight of African-Americans and women.

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