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Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Would Obama Have Beaten Trump?

Fair Game Is That, Donald is a straight up kind of guy, He speaks strait out of his mind without thinking. Look at the picture above, it tells a'lot. For Trump, Obama was to look him in the eye during the shake, to Donald, since he did not, Trump wish's he would have ran against Obama instead of Romney.

In an interview with David Axelrod released yesterday, December 26th, President Obama claimed that he would have defeated Donald Trump had he been allowed to run for a third term. "I'm confident that if I — if I had run again and articulated it, I think I could've mobilized a majority of the American people to rally behind it," Mr. Obama said.

President-elect responded on Twitter with a firm denial that Obama could have beaten him.

It's an interesting debate: President Obama won the popular vote in both the 2008 and 2012 election, while Donald Trump won the presidency in 2016 but did not defeat Hillary Clinton in the popular vote.

Obama stressed his admiration for Clinton and said she had been the victim of unfair attacks. But, as he has in other exit interviews, he insisted that her defeat was not a rejection of the eight years of his presidency. To the contrary, he argued that he had put together a winning coalition that stretched across the country but that the Democratic Party and the Clinton campaign had failed to follow through on it.
 "Look, the Affordable Care Act benefits a huge number of Trump voters. There are a lot of folks in places like West Virginia or Kentucky who didn't vote for Hillary, didn't vote for me, but are being helped by this . . . The problem is, is that we're not there on the ground communicating not only the dry policy aspects of this, but that we care about these communities, that we're bleeding for these communities."

Nonetheless, the president, who has done relatively few interviews with mainstream media organisations, repeated his long-stated complaint that the media has filtered his message and that he is subject to unfair criticism by outlets such as Fox News.
 Donald Trump responded to Barack Obama on Monday after the president claimed he could have won a third term in the White House if he had been the Democratic nominee instead of Hillary Clinton.

"President Obama said that he thinks he would have won against me," the president-elect tweeted. "He should say that but I say NO WAY! - jobs leaving, ISIS, OCare, etc."


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