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Sunday, September 4, 2016

Is Lil Wayne Retiring?

Lil Wayne's ongoing feud with Birdman and Cash Money Records for the last few years has almost stopped him from putting out music entirely. Lil Wayne's 'Carter V' album has been completed for some time, but has also been the source of his frustration with Cash Money who has yet to release the album. 

Along with that, Cash Money Records allegedly owes Wayne over $50 million. Lil Wayne has not held back on how he feels about the entire situation, taking to numerous outlets including concerts and clubs to yell out "F*ck Cash Money."

Now, Lil Wayne has taken to Twitter to get some thoughts off of his chest, with the main one hinting at a possible retirement from the rapper. Wayne went on to say "I am now defenseless and mentally defeated & I leave gracefully and thankful I luh my fanz but I'm dun." Wayne also went on to note that he's not "looking for sympathy, just serenity." 

It sounds like Wayne is looking to make peace with the whole situation. Rick Ross chimed in with a tweet of his own, responding to a fan by saying "get Birdman on the phone," in reference to Wayne leaving Cash Money. Lil Wayne later went on to assure fans that he is ok, tweeting "I'm good y'all don't trip."

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