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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Nick Cannon Joins Black Lives Matter Protest

Cannon has released a series of politically charged spoken word pieces over the past few months, occasionally appearing with beads and a head wrap. Such was the case during Thursday's actions, after which he credited past Black Hollywood activists Harry Belafonte and Dick Gregory for their influence. "I like to practice what I preach so I'm in these communities constantly and taking meetings with district attorneys about criminal justice reform and prison reform. And it's so important, I mean, I've been given the spotlight so I want to say the proper things at the proper times," he told Entertainment Tonight. Dozens were arrested for civil disobedience offenses in the New York City rallies, before attention on them was lost to news of an assault at a protest in Dallas that claimed the lives of 5 police officers and injured half a dozen others.

The streets of New York City were no exception to the numerous locales that drew nationwide protests over the police shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, when on Thursday [July 7], demonstrations reared up from Union Square to Times Square. One such rally was led by America's Got Talent host Nick Cannon, who marched behind the banner of #BlackLivesMatter. Cannon is only one of scores of celebrities to speak out against police violence in the wake of Tuesday and Wednesday's shootings, turning the righteous direction he's recently set a path towards into action with thousands behind him.

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