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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Tips For Approaching Blogs With Your Music

It may sound obvious but read the descriptions that are included in The Music Blog Directory and focus your time and energy on blogs that fit your style of music.

Hit the link, go their website and read the last few posts, you may just discover a new blog to follow. Remember that you are asking the blogger to become your new fan, so it could certainly help your cause if you have already returned the favor.

Some blogs have strict music submission guidelines. Music submissions are a part of the game. It is also another way for a blogger to test if you have taken the time to read their blog or not.

Please don't mass email blogs! Take the time to Take the time to craft each individual email, address them by name, include a few personalized details you've learned through your research or casually mention a post of theirs that you enjoyed. 

You are asking the blogger to take the time to listen to your music and hopefully write a review, take the time to  personally email each blogger which is why we included this information in The Music Blog Directory.

One of the worst mistakes to make is to send a generic email around to a list of bloggers.

Subject Lines are like tricky first dates. Awkward but necessary and if you make a bad first impression then it can be difficult to recover!

It is best to keep subject lines simple, descriptive and personal. The ideal number of characters in a subject line is typically considered to be between 20 and 35.

You want the recipient to know right away exactly why you're emailing. If your subject line doesn't grab the person, your message is likely to get deleted on the spot. Avoid ALL CAPS, jargon, and the term "Press release" in the subject line. 

Universally all the bloggers said they delete any emails that have "Press Release" in the subject line. Plus they get annoyed with all caps and industry jargon. Don't plea with people to "Open Me!"

Bloggers receive hundreds and hundreds of emails a day so do not be disheartened if you do receive a response on your first try. Chances are they have not even read your email. Don't overwhelm them with long windy have 3 sentences to catch the bloggers attention so keep it short, sharp, genuine, interesting and to the point.

We have all heard the phrase "what's the story" and no that's not where did you grow up and what ashes your music rose from (unless of course you grew up on a remote part of Antarctica and learn to play music in the ashes of the fire that kept you alive in the cold harsh winter)
"The Story" is simply what makes you and your music different from every other band out there.

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