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Sunday, May 29, 2016

The Power Of Word-Of-Mouth

The Power Of Word-Of-Mouth is strength. To achieve the potential of social media, marketers will have to better understand how it works. Building a buzz is an effective—and free—way to create public awareness and support.

One of the top takeaways I learned was about ‘Word of Mouth Marketing’ and how to apply it in my own email marketing campaigns to drive more attention. Do you want to tap into a powerful form of marketing that doesn’t require you to create content on your own? If so, word of mouth marketing is the strategy for you.

I have always appreciated the power of word of mouth and i personally make many of my purchase decisions based on reviews by friends and online. Word-of-mouth marketing is hands-down the easiest way to promote and market a business.

1. Set goals for word-of-mouth. Just as with any other type of marketing tactic, vague goals like “getting everyone to talk about us” are too nebulous to be useful. Create measurable goals, such as getting X number of new customers through referrals per month, obtaining press coverage in three places per month or generating X number of leads per month via word-of-mouth marketing.

 2. Create a system for generating referrals. Offering bonuses, freebies or discounts to customers who give you referrals to other customers is a good way to encourage the practice.

 3. Offer customers who are referred special deals. Give new customers discounts or special offers in return for being willing to try your business.

 4. Promote your business with PR. Public relations should be ongoing to keep your business in the public eye. Develop relationships with local journalists, members of the media and bloggers, and keep them informed about your company’s latest news, accomplishments and future plans.

 5. Get active in the local community. Participating in or sponsoring community events such as fairs, 5K races or sports teams will get your business name out there. If your carpet company’s name is all over the local Little League team’s jerseys, who are the parents going to think of the next time they need carpet?

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