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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

OJ Simpson Appeal Denied

A lawyer for O.J. Simpson said Friday they’ll decide their next step after the Nevada Supreme Court rejected the imprisoned former football star’s latest appeal of his 2008 kidnapping and armed robbery conviction. Attorney Patricia Palm said she needed to talk with Simpson at Lovelock Correctional Center about the Thursday ruling by a three-member panel of the state high court, and whether he wants to appeal to federal court.

The Nevada justices issued a detailed 16-page decision saying they found there was no reason to overturn Clark County District Court Judge Linda Marie Bell’s findings in the case and give Simpson a new trial. The court said Simpson failed to show that his notoriety following his 1995 acquittal in Los Angeles in the deaths of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ronald Goldman tainted his trial in Las Vegas, and he failed to demonstrate that his lead trial lawyer.

Simpson lawyers filed the appeal in May 2014, arguing that Bell should have granted the former athlete a new trial on charges related to a botched hotel room heist. Simpson was sentenced to 9 to 33 years. Palm and attorneys Ozzie Fumo and Tom Pitaro argued that Galanter mishandled the case in an effort to continue to represent Simpson at trial and in his initial appeal so he could reap attorney fees and fame.

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