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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Talking To Kids About Sex

I was never mentored as a child about sex, so I feel this is my opportunity to help the young teens know what is to come. I understand that my folks could have indeed done better with the subject of my body and sex education. It saddens me when I hear ridiculous tales and riddles parents tell their children these days on the matter of sex.

Talking with children about sex and sexuality may be uncomfortable at first, but it gets easier with time and practice. What many fail to realize is that children will still get this information, but more often than not, they will get absolutely wrong ideas and details, and these details in turn will shape their attitudes and orientation toward sex.

The talk os sex is one that parents often put off as long as possible. But learning about sexuality is a normal part of child development. The French aren't paragons of sex education. Though schools are required to teach it. Now and days, you have to take on the conversation about sex early in life.

Parents these days need to accept that we live in a highly sexualized environment, where our children are exposed to sexual language, images, and behaviors before they are even developmentally prepared to handle them. As a parent, you are the best person to educate your child about sexuality.

Therefore, they need to be fed with the right information. As a parent, you can make a difference in your child’s life as to whether they will have the right sexual principles and values. Talk with your kids, develop strong relationships with them, and help them set clear boundaries and expectations about sex and their bodies.

Give up on the idea of presenting the subject in one big talk, you'll overwhelm your child with more bewildering and even distasteful satisfaction. As a parent, your child should understand the possible consequences of being sexually active, including pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and even the emotional baggage that comes with sexual exposure.

Many parents fear that if they talk to their children about sex, that’ll make them want to do it. More often than not, though, that is not true. It’s important for children to understand what sexual feelings and relationships are before they become sexually active. That way, they have a full awareness of what they are getting in to. Studies have shown that children who have discussed sex with their parents are more likely to wait longer to begin having sex and more likely to use contraception when they do.

It’s best to start talking with children early about these things. Children are naturally curious about their bodies, and these days you have 3-year-old girls asking why they are different “down there” from their brothers or even boys at school. As parents, we need to understand that this curiosity is normal, and we should key in to it as an opportunity to start teaching them about their bodies and subsequently build a truthful, trusting relationship with them. An easy way to go about this is to make sure you never avoid a “teachable moment.”

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