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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Baby Born Pregnant With Twins

Out of the whole 32-years I have been living on earth, this is just unheard of. It’s extremely rare for a baby to be born pregnant and occurs in only 1 in about 500,000 births. Now, a new study is bringing new attention to this unusual condition.

In the February issue of the Hong Kong Medical Journal, Dr. Yu Kai-man, a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, writes about how he and his colleagues tested a newborn baby because they thought she had tumors in her stomach. Results revealed that the growths were actually twin “fetuses” weighing 14.2 grams and 9.3 grams after 8 to 10 weeks of gestation, UPI reports.

In many cases, doctors recognize the condition shortly after birth. In March 2006, doctors in Pakistan removed two fetuses from inside a two-month-old baby girl named Nazia. A 1-year-old Chinese child carried a “fetus” until the tumor was removed after a serious 10-hour surgery in 2009. Kang Menguru made a full recovery.

In the most severe cases, the “fetus” isn’t found until much later in the carrier’s life. An 18-year-old Egyptian boy underwent major surgery to have a retained twin removed in 2011. That same year in Indonesia, a 41-year-old man underwent surgery to have a suspected tumor removed. Doctors instead found a “fetus.”

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