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Monday, December 8, 2014

Outlaw Biker Shooting Video

The shooting happened in early October in the Dutch city of Eindhoven. Police received a call that shots were heard near a villa in a residential neighborhood in the city. “When we arrived at the scene we only found empty shell casings,” a police spokesman says. “But after searching inside the villa we found security videos that tell us more about what happened that day.”

The life of an outlaw is not for the faint hearted but outlaw bikers are turning up the action to levels more appropriate for a Hollywood movie than real life. A video released yesterday shows how a large group of bikers is involved in a wild shooting in broad daylight at a villa in a busy residential area.

At a quarter to four in the afternoon, an Audi arrives at the entryway of the villa. A man wearing a black jogging suit and cap gets out and can be seen walking up to the fence to take a peek. The guard dog approaches quickly and starts barking at this man who seems to be doing some reconnaissance. The gate door is open. Despite the gate, cameras, and dog, security seems lax.

In the background a Mercedes van rolls up and parks behind the Audi. Then two other men exit the Audi. These two are wearing vests and patches of Dutch outlaw motor club No Surrender. With the confident swagger of bikers who don’t take shit from anyone, they stroll up to the gate.

At that point the man living at the mansion and a friend come outside and walk to the fence as well. The men begin talking, though it is unknown what is being said, the outcome is unsatisfactory for both parties. As the conversation ends, the resident walks back to the villa and can be seen pulling out a handgun.

One of the bikers of No Surrender shoos off the guard dog, while pulling out a handgun of his own. As he walks through the gate he points his finger at the resident. He is followed in by the unarmed man in the black jogging suit and another full patch member of No Surrender who has his handgun raised and ready. Within seconds four other men can be seen exiting the van in the background.

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