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Friday, December 12, 2014

Learning About The Fibonacci Numbers In Music

Fibonacci is related to music because as Pythagoras stated the ratio portrayed is most pleasing to the ear. The numbers of Fibonacci when divided show a frequency that most notes and octaves are based off.

Mozart is believed to have used Fibonacci sequence to help compose many of his works. Most likely because of the belief that Mozart used Fibonacci sequence many current artist give nods to Fibonacci.

The clearest demonstration of Fibonacci being represented in music is seen in scales. 13. Octave is made of 12 chromatic tones plus 1 the octave. A scale is composed of 8 notes. The 5th and 3rd notes create basic foundation of chords, based off of whole tone that is 2 steps above root tone, which is the 1st note of scale.

The easiest method for making music that uses Fibonacci is to relay notes to numbers and a clock algorithm.

On a 12-hour clock, we don’t use any numbers higher than 12 for the hours, so if we want to know what the time will be in 10 hours if it is 11 now, we add on 10 to 11, but then take off 12:

11 + 10 = 21, 21 – 12 = 9

Write out numbers as far as you know using the Fibonacci sequence then assign notes to numbers 0-7 as so: C-0 D-1 E-2 F-3 G-4 A-5 B-6 C-7

Assign notes to the numbers in the sequence. Now using clock algorithm assign notes to the numbers in Fibonacci sequence for numbers higher than 7.

And your own rhythm and enjoy a composition made by Fibonacci sequence.

There are multiple forms to compose music from Fibonacci as well as those that haven't been created yet. Here is a link to a free online composer tool This shows the many forms that Fibonacci's pattern has taken since he helped make it popular. There is a lot more information out there on its relationship with music and I employ you to discover more on your own.

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