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Thursday, November 20, 2014

Whats Wrong With Immigration Reform

After watching the new daily, i'm not understanding what is wrong with reforming the immigration law that is broken. The United States elected a Obama to do a job that they don't want him to complete. If the president warned republicans that he was going to use his power to make the change, why did'nt they act then to help do something to solve the ongoing problem?

I have ner heard of a president who has had some many problems with congress. President Bush crushed our economy and hurt our middle class and congress accepted that with no problems just because it seemed to be all about the war in Iraq. President Obama want to give some immigrants a chance to work and live in America while raising their families.

If I was a republican, I would be careful on how I would decide to stand, for they could loss all latino votes in the 2016 campain which may stop them from taking over the white house. Other states are getting lawyers to sue the president, while others want impeachment. As Congress debates the contours of immigration reform, many arguments have been made on economic grounds.

The 2007 Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act failed partly because it lacked a broad coalition. On the right, many Republicans were scared off by anti-immigration populists. President Obama will announce a major executive action on immigration reform in prime time.

Immigration reform is a term used in political discussion regarding changes to current immigration policy of a country. This is a step forward in the President's plan to work with Congress on passing what some say is common-sense reform.

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