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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Losing The American Dream

There use to be a time when the American Dream was just at your finger tips. The American Dream is a national ethos of the United States, a set of ideals in which freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success. The "American dream" has powered the hopes and aspirations of Americans for generations.

A basic element of the American dream is equal access to education as the lubricant of social and economic mobility. Kids that may have been born in the late 90's may not know what it means to live the American Dream. Because of the economy lossing its stability, many people are scared to take the risk in their life.

The other day, me and my sister has a discussion on what we were going to do when our kids turned sixteen years of age. We had two differnt perspectives of life and the way it goes. I believe strict discipline is the first start to setting up your childs life. Take the children in the right route even if they don't want to be taken there.

When my daughter turns sixteen, I plan to make her get her first job. Then on her second paycheck she will obtain a bank account for savings. Once she turns 17 and worked the same job, she will then begin to learn to use her credit by purchasing her first car with a down payment she has saved up. In my mind, that gives her the first set of duties to complete.

She will then begin making payment to pay off her car by the time she is twentyone. Even if that includes me giving her a incintive by helping her complete this project with extra payments of my own to her car note for doing good.

After she turns 21, she deserves a one year break. Car paid off, now its time to think about the next step. The next one may contain year of investments. Either its mentally or physically. A desicion has to be made, either purchase a house at 22 or begin a new start in college. I would prefer she takes the next step in her life and purchase her first house. Most young Americans make the mistake of partying the begining of the adult years, but its work first and play later.

If she was to purchase her first home at 22 years of age, it will give her the oppurtunity to have a free and clear dead to the property by the time she is 35. With a little extra back support for doing the right things in life and paying her bills on time, extra payment may be maid by me as a incentive to not give up. Maybe then it will open the door for the home being paid off at the time she reaches 30.

I have obtained the ability to give her this oppurtunity to give to her because of me and my wife having a home paid off with tho vehicles. This gives us equity and opens doors to what could be a brighter future. I am 32 years of age and my daughter is 15 years of age as of now.

The two steps above is my main two. After that, life is easier for college to be generated as a income. Its my own way of breaking through the doors and opening up to the other side of life. We must teach our youth to grow in a new manner of living. The American Dream is not over, nor is it loss, it must take a differnt direction on life.

Maybe later, my daughter can get the equity she has built up and built a brand new home for the ground up. This is the way to the American Dream. I pride myself for example, ive made many mistakes throughout lifes process while making some right choices. I'm 32 years of age with my house paid off and both car notes.
Most people would say I was a drug dealer, but I say "Its not about how much money you make, its what you do with it". I recieved my first job at the age of sixteen and purchased my first home at 19. I had no choice but to grow up fast since I started making kids at the age of 17. Keep working and use your income tax to lower your monthly depts. Although you could have had alot of fun with the money, it will show in the end. Stay away from credit cards and costlt fees, they will drain you of your equity.

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