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Saturday, July 26, 2014

Basic Needs To Keep A Woman Happy

Almost every man wonna know at one time how to keep their woman happy. Being men, this could become a competition. Below we have listed some helpful thoughts to help you keep your woman happy.

1. Her need to personal affirmation/appreciation. He praises her for personal attributes and qualities. He extols her virtues as a wife, mother, and homemaker. He openly commends her, in the presence of others, as a marvelous mate, friend, lover, and companion. She feels that to him, no one is more important in this world.

2. Her need for personal affection (romance). He showers her with timely and generous displays of affection. He also tells her how much he cares for her with a steadfast flow of words, cards, flowers, gifts, and common courtesies. Remember: Affection is the environment in which sexual union is enjoyed and a wonderful marriage developed.

3. Her need for intimate conversation. He talks with her at the feeling level (heart to heart). He listens to her thoughts (i.e., her heart) about the events of her day with sensitivity, interest, and concern. Conversations with her convey a desire to understand her, not to change her.

4. Her need for honest and openness. He looks into her eyes and, in love, tells her what he really thinks (Ephesians 4:15). He explains his plans and actions clearly and completely because he regards himself as responsible for her. He wants her to trust him and feel secure.

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