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Sunday, March 2, 2014

Top Turn-Offs for Women

Do you as a woman tend to instantly like or dislike a man without knowing why? Many women prefer to choose instead of being chosen. Here are turn-offs for women of all ages.

1. Being Ignored
Being ignored is one of the main things that turn women off. From the first day of a relationship until death, most women expect their partners to be attentive. Most women judge how important they are to their partner, by how much attention they receive when expressing their concerns and opinions or when asking for advice.

When men act as though other things are more important or more interesting, or when they casually dismiss something that is important to a woman, they are setting the tone for a rocky, if not short, relationship. And when men engage in the common ploy of showing interest during the beginning stages of a relationship and allowing it to dwindle as the relationship progresses, they usually find that the woman’s attraction for him takes a similar dive.

2. Self-Admiration
Some women get dinner and a movie. Other women get dinner and an earful of self-admiration when they go out on a date with a guy. Men who waste women’s time by inviting them on dates so they can spend the evening glorifying themselves are truly a bore.

3. Expecting the Woman to Take Care of the Kids
Some men have the misconception that motherhood is something that comes naturally and that women want to devote their lives to child-rearing. On the contrary, many women are as focused on their goals, careers, and social lives as men and they prefer to share family responsibilities.

4. Paying too Much Attention to Other Women
Men who look at other women, who talk about the physical attributes of other women, or who are too flirtatious are not likely to appeal to women. Women like men who are respectful enough to pretend they do not notice. Furthermore, when a man and woman go out and they can barely make their way through a bar or club without the man getting hugs, rubs, waves, and winks, the man is not likely to score points with his date.

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