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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Lessons I've Learned

Change has come to the world just as fast as a global destruction of weather is headed towards us. There are so many great lessons we all get from life. After so many years on the road, there are a few life lessons I've learned. There are so many life lessons from the Great Depression we should all be learning.

We must all learn to be more grateful of the things we have, because you must understand that there are others who feel like they have nothing at all. The better understanding we have of life, the more we live in the truth. I've gone from flat broke to having money to being broke again.

I thought I'd share a handful of lessons I've learned as a helpful guide for those just starting out such as the young or others trying to get regenerated. Life can hit you hard sometimes, but you have to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, use the hard lessons learned and move on.

I've learned a few valuable lessons that have helped me become a lot happier with myself. Everybody's depression is different, my way of letting go mine is through music. Support me on +iTunesPlus4u so that I may continue to push for more quality music to be produced.

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