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Thursday, December 26, 2013

Benefits Of Kissing

In the throes of a passionate kiss, the world outside is forgotten. The body relaxes as 'kissing' decreases the stress hormone. It also stimulates the brain by altering oxytocin levels, allowing one to feel an overall sense of peace and calm.

The commingling of lips is an immune system booster! Exposing yourself to another's germs creates a natural vaccine of antibodies against illnesses. You can kiss the air to get a similar effect with the 'pucker' muscles around the lips called the orbicularis oris. But it's more fun and like an isometric exercise to kiss the one you love.

While lips touch in an embrace the heart beats faster releasing epinephrine and norepinephrine into the bloodstream, creating an 'adrenaline rush. A range of 'feel good' hormones are released in the body when puckering-up with your partner.

Kissing promoted less stress and more relationship satisfaction, that in-turn lowered high blood pressure linked to cholesterol levels. Having a stable blood pressure allows for a good cardiovascular system and produces a healthy heart.

Dopamine and serotonin are the natural chemicals responsible for desire, bonding, optimism and joy that helps to lift mood when one's emotionally 'blue'. Isn't it amazing to have healing powers all within a kiss.

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