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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Is R. Kelly Arrest All About Money? Or Is It The Operation?

R. Kelly and his wife have sparred over cash and custody of their three children on a regular basis since their divorce was finalized in 2009, with the courtroom battles largely shielded from public view since records were sealed in 2013.

R. Kelly and his ex-wife, Andrea Kelly, have seldom agreed on how or what the R&B star ought to pay on his divorce settlement, records released Monday show. A judge last week ordered that Kelly’s files be made public “just like anyone else” after media organizations petitioned the court following Kelly’s three-day stint in the Cook County Jail in March for non-payment of some $160,000 in child support.

Case records show that the singer was ordered to pay his ex-wife more than $30,000 a month as part of the divorce settlement — with $10,000 per month designated as a “maintenance” payment for Andrea Kelly that would remain in effect until January 2019. The maintenance payment was removed in 2013, after Andrea Kelly remarried. In November of that year, R. Kelly paid $113,000 to settle a back child support amount.

“Robert has gone to great extents to shelter his income and assets and, upon information and belief, to place certain income and assets in the names of others,” they wrote.

Four months later, R. Kelly’s attorneys said the singer “has a tax liability of over $7 million.” By August 2013, they said, the singer had paid his wife $1.48 million.

Also last week, the singer was hit with federal child pornography, obstruction of justice and racketeering charges by the U.S. attorney’s offices in the Northern District of Illinois and Eastern District of New York.

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